How to color your drawing with colored pencils

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Coloring with colored pencils

We have already looked at how to use our drawing instructions as well as how to color a picture with markers. But today, there shall be a guide for all colored pencil fans. So, grab your colored pencils and let’s get started! For our motif, we have chosen the robin. With its vibrant orange breast, it’s a beautiful subject to learn how to color with different hues. But of course, you can also pick up another one of our tutorials and color it. We like to use Polychromos by Faber-Castell. In art supply stores, you can find these pencils in all sorts of colors. But don’t worry if you use different colored pencils! The results can be just as lovely.

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How to color your drawing with markers

Now it's getting colorful A beautiful drawing can stand on its own. However, sometimes adding color just makes it even more beautiful. With color,...

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How to use our drawing instructions

Drawing for Experts A beautiful drawing is already halfway there. That's why today we want to show you how to create the perfect drawing very...

Step 1

Start by drawing according to the instructions. If you’re still having difficulty here, take a look at “How to use our drawing instructions“.


robin drawing fineliner

Step 2

When coloring with colored pencils, it’s best to work from light to dark. So, start with the lightest colors first. Also, make sure that in this step, you only apply slight pressure. It’s enough to indicate which area should have which color. Therefore, color the neck and legs in light orange. Then, proceed to the bird’s midsection in gray, and finally, the rest in a light brown.


color with light orange
color with light grey
color with light brown

Step 3

Now it gets exciting: Use the same colored pencils – but this time, you’re allowed to really apply color to the paper. So, press a bit harder and layer multiple coats. But be careful! In some areas, you can leave the light color as it is. For example, it looks very nice if you leave the light orange around the robin’s eye. In other areas, however, you can press down firmly: for example, under the wing, where there is a dark shadow. You can make the left (rear) leg darker with a darker brown. It’s in shadow, so it looks like that.


color with dark orange
color with dark grey
color with dark brown

Step 4

Now, here’s a little tip: Take a light-colored pencil and go over the orange breast once more. The overlapping layers of color will make the color really vibrant. Additionally, you can use a dark or black colored pencil to emphasize the darkest areas. If you wish, you can also place the robin on a branch as described in the instructions.

color with details
colored robin drawing


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