Learn how to draw tulip spring flowers
Let’s Draw Tulips!
Spring is almost here now. Colorful flowers are sprouting everywhere from the ground. Or they’re growing on bushes and trees. Meanwhile, the sun is shining down on us under a blue sky. To preserve a bit of this beauty for home, it’s a great idea to draw it. So, let’s start with drawing tulips! Because they are currently enchanting many gardens and parks with their colorful splendor.
Step-by-Step Drawing Guide for Tulips
Unlike many animal tutorials, you’re often much freer with flowers and plants. Because they always grow a bit differently and come in various varieties. That’s why this drawing tutorial includes three different tulips to trace. You’ll see, it’s not so difficult at all!
So, if you want to draw tulips, you can start directly with the leaves. For this, simply draw a large V on your sheet of paper. The lines can be slightly curved. From the center of the V, in the second step, the tulip stem emerges. Draw two parallel lines upward, straight or slightly curved. In the third step, finish drawing the leaves.
Painting Tulips in All Shapes and Colors!
Do you see that steps 4 to 5 occur multiple times? That’s because here we can draw different tulips. You can choose a flower head or draw several stems for multiple flowers.
Of course, you are also completely free in the color choice of your tulip splendor! There is probably hardly a color that doesn’t exist in tulips. Two-colored flowers are also common. Red-yellow? Purple-white? Orange-pink? Just give it a try and draw a whole colorful tulip meadow.