Draw a Hummingbird

Draw a Hummingbird

Discover the Unique Features of Hummingbirds

Did you know? Hummingbirds are truly unique birds. For one, they are simply stunning: their feathers shine and shimmer in all colors. They also have an unusually long beak, allowing them to reach the sweet nectar of many flowers. Moreover, they can hover in place for extended periods – this is called hovering flight. Unlike other birds, hummingbirds can even fly sideways or backward! If you’d like to learn more about hummingbirds, take a look here.

When drawing an animal, it’s helpful to first familiarize yourself with its unique characteristics. This way, you can focus on these traits in your drawing. If you get them right, you’ve already achieved a lot.

Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing a Hummingbird

The hummingbird is one of the easier animals to draw, yet it still looks stunning. If you’re a beginner, this guide is perfect for you. But even experienced artists can enjoy drawing a hummingbird, especially since coloring it is so much fun.

Step 1: Start with a teardrop-shaped head and an oval for the body. Try to estimate the proportions and the distance between the shapes accurately.

Step 2: Add a round eye, leaving a small white spot to represent the shine. Connect the head and body, and draw a V-shape for the tail.

Step 3: The beak is mostly straight, with a slight curve at the tip – but don’t exaggerate it! Then, draw large wings and add a claw.

Step 4: Just a few more details, and your drawing is complete! Draw individual feathers in the wings to bring your hummingbird to life.

Once you’re happy with your drawing, trace it neatly with a dark fineliner. Erase all pencil lines, and you’ll have a beautiful drawing of a hummingbird!

Learn how to draw a hummingbird drawing instruction

Have fun!

Feel free to leave us a comment to let us know how it went.

Draw a Kangaroo

Draw a Kangaroo

The Kangaroo – A Masterful Jumper

Hop – hop – hop – who’s that hopping through the outback? Most kangaroos are incredible jumpers. Some species can leap up to nine meters in a single bound. To jump so well, they have powerful hind legs and large feet. By the way, there are many different types of kangaroos, ranging from very small to impressively large.

Do you find kangaroos as fascinating as we do? We’re definitely amazed by these masterful jumpers. That’s why we’d love to draw them. Why not join in?

Drawing a Kangaroo Made Easy

How to Draw a Kangaroo – Drawing School 

Step 1: Draw an oval for the head and a curved line for the back. Make sure to leave plenty of space on the right for the long tail.

Step 2: Extend the curved line to create the kangaroo’s neck. Draw a small oval a short distance below it. Then, add a zigzag line to represent the hind leg.

Step 3: Continue drawing the hind leg. Add two ears. Now, start drawing an eye roughly in the middle of the oval.

Step 4: You can now draw a long line for the tail. With a few additional details, your kangaroo will start taking shape.

Step 5: Add more details, such as the two partially hidden legs. This will make your kangaroo look more realistic and three-dimensional.

Step 6: Now comes the fun part: trace your kangaroo neatly with a fine liner. Make sure not to trace all the lines exactly as they are. For example, you’ll need to erase a line from the front legs or leave it out when tracing. Tracing makes your drawing cleaner and more polished.

Learn how to draw a kangaroo australian animal drawing instruction

What’s Next?

Now you can color your kangaroo! Use a nice orange and a bit of brown for the paws, nose, and ears. Here’s a guide on how to color a drawing step by step with markers. And once your kangaroo is finished, it will fit beautifully into a hand-drawn Australian outback landscape…

Learn how to draw seashells

Learn how to draw seashells

Drawing Shells Made Easy – With 3 Different Shell Shapes

Drawing shells is especially fun because you can discover many different shapes and patterns! Every shell is unique, and you can use your imagination to create it exactly the way you picture it. It’s like a little trip to the sea – you can imagine being on the beach, collecting all the shells. It’s also fun to play with colors and watch your shell become more beautiful as you work on it. You can draw as many different shells as you want, and each one will be special!

Step-by-Step Drawing of Different Shells

Here are the shells of three types of shells or snails, each with slightly different instructions. They are all easy to draw. Since shells vary a bit in shape, it’s okay if you don’t draw them perfectly. Just follow the step-by-step guide and use a pencil so you can adjust the drawing if you’re not happy with a part of it. Then, trace everything with a black fine liner and let your drawing dry well. Afterward, you can erase the pencil lines and focus on coloring.

In nature, shells are usually beige and brown, but feel free to try colorful or patterned versions as well. Let your imagination run wild here!

Learn how to draw a ladybug forest animals drawing instruction

Try a Decorative Shell Pattern

Why not try a shell pattern? It’s very decorative and can be used as wrapping paper or to decorate notebooks, binders, or other items. To create it, draw one or more shells combined with other sea elements: waves, anchors, fish, water droplets… anything you like is allowed. Then, repeat the same motif to create a wonderful pattern. It’s even easier if you use an image editing program on your computer.

Draw a Ladybug

Draw a Ladybug

A Beetle That Brings Good Luck!

Many people don’t like it when insects crawl on them. But when it comes to the sweet ladybug, we all gladly make an exception! Ladybugs come in different colors all over the world. And in many places, this little beetle is considered a true symbol of luck. Furthermore, it’s useful. It loves to eat aphids, and most people don’t like having them on their plants anyway. Do you know what makes the ladybug look so cute? The large, light spots on the front make it seem like the lucky beetle has a big head with big eyes. However, the real eyes are actually further forward and much smaller. But that doesn’t bother us! We love the sweet ladybugs and today we’ll show you how to draw one.

How to Draw Your Ladybug Step by Step

When drawing the ladybug, it’s best to follow our drawing instructions exactly. Start with a circle. Then add two more circles—one for the body and one for the “real” head of our beetle. Next, draw a line on top of the body to separate the two wings. Add three short legs. Of course, it actually has six legs, but from our perspective, you can only see three of them. The others are hidden behind the body. Follow the further steps in the instructions and your beetle will be quickly drawn!

Learn how to draw a ladybug forest animals drawing instruction

Ideas for Your Ladybug Drawing

Once you’ve finished the drawing, you can color it in. The ladybugs we commonly see here are red with black spots. But there are many other colors in the ladybug family. Some just have more or fewer spots. Others are yellow with black spots or black with orange spots, for example. Exciting, right? So you can color your drawing however you like! And since ladybugs are a symbol of luck, you can also give your drawing as a gift! Maybe to someone you wish lots of luck? Or someone you simply really like? We’re sure you have some great ideas for that!

Learn how to draw a sailing boat

Learn how to draw a sailing boat

Sailing Through Lakes and Seas

Do you love water as much as we do? Whether you live by the sea or have beautiful, larger lakes in your area, there is much to experience in and on the water. We may not be sailing experts ourselves, but we certainly enjoy watching the pretty boats skillfully using the wind to glide over the water. If you’re already in the sea and beach mood, why not draw your own little holiday paradise? With beach, sea, small sailboats, and of course sunshine. All you need are your favorite pens and a cozy place to draw. Perhaps outside under a nice shady tree or a sun umbrella…

Sailboat step by step

You start with a straight line that is bent on one side. This will be the hull of the boat. So leave a bit of space at the bottom and a lot more space at the top for the rest of the boat.
Boats are curved at the bottom so they can float nicely on the water. Add another line at the top to complete the hull.
The mast consists of a long straight line and a slightly smaller line sticking out to the side. It shouldn’t go all the way to the edge of the hull.
Pay attention to the slight curvature of the sails. They are tightly stretched and bulge a little from the wind blowing into them. Also add a rudder on the left side.
Now we put our boat in the water: so draw waves and erase the underside of the boat. The sails are now finished as well.

Just a few more details and your sailing boat is complete!

And now?

Complete your sailboat with beautiful colors. Leave the sails white or at most give them very light gray or light blue shadows. It looks especially great if you also paint the water and a nice blue sky. Maybe there are also other things to see? For example, a dolphin in the water, ducks or seagulls, a vacationer on an air mattress… your imagination knows no bounds!

Learn how to draw a sailing boat ocean drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a donkey

Learn how to draw a donkey

Learning to Draw a Donkey Made Easy

Today we will look at how to draw a donkey. Donkeys are gentle and good-natured animals. Contrary to the saying “stubborn as a mule,” these friendly hoofed animals are simply very smart. They don’t just blindly obey commands but sometimes take a little longer to think things through. Drawing donkeys is not straightforward, as with all animals that have four long legs. Fortunately, they have a few very distinctive features: the long ears, the bristly mane, and the light muzzle. If you capture these characteristic features well, the donkey will be easily recognizable.

Step-by-Step to Your Own Artwork

First, take a close look at the instructions. You will see that the first three circles will become the head and the front and back parts of the body. Keep this in mind as you draw because it makes sense to always know exactly what you are currently drawing. This way, you can remember the instructions better and understand how the drawing is constructed. Proceed slowly and carefully while drawing. If you just “scribble” quickly, the shapes and distances won’t be right, and the animal will look strange in the end. Like all quadrupeds, the legs of the donkey are not easy to draw. Pay special attention here to maintain the exact distances between the shapes. By the way, the small circles on the legs are the donkey’s joints, the places where it can move its legs. Advanced artists can try drawing the donkey in a different pose, such as galloping. We recommend first looking at pictures of donkeys in these poses. Professional artists are very good observers. They study pictures of animals or observe real animals before picking up the pencil. Only through observation can you learn how something looks.

Learn how to draw a donkey farm animals drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a seagull

Learn how to draw a seagull

Seagulls are here, the sea is near!

The squawking of the seagulls indicates that the sea is not far away. We in Hamburg see these birds almost daily. Whether they’re perched on a railing, floating on the canal water, or loudly screeching through the air. Perhaps you also like these birds and want to learn how to draw a seagull yourself? Then you’re in the right place at our art school!

Of course, there are several species of seagulls. Today, we’ve chosen the Laughing Gull for drawing. This species is relatively small, and you can recognize it by its black head. But beware! Because in winter, the Laughing Gull doesn’t have a black head. It’s white then.

Drawing a seagull step by step

Before we start, take a close look at the instructions below. If you don’t have much experience with our art schools yet, you can find a more detailed guide here too.

Ready? Then start with Step 1. The seagull gets an oval body and a curved line for the wing. You can imagine this line like an elongated S, not too rounded. In the second step, draw a beak and a round eye on the bird’s head. Also, connect the S-tip to the rest of the body to close the wing. Roughly sketch the feet too. Almost done!

In the next step, add a centerline to the beak and draw it a bit further into the head. Because it looks smaller from this perspective, suggest the second wing small behind the other one. Additionally, our seagull drawing needs a tail. Attach it to the back of the body. If you want to paint the seagull with a black head like in the example, you can draw the line for it here.

For the final touch of the drawing, we added several lines to the wings to show the long flight feathers. You can also emphasize the tail feathers with such lines.

In steps 4 and 5, we added a few more details and colored the seagull. The black-and-white coloring and the red beak immediately make the bird even more lively, don’t they?

Learn how to draw a seagull ocean drawing instruction
Learn to draw an elephant baby

Learn to draw an elephant baby

Elephants – Strong Animals

Elephant babies may be very cute, but they are also truly strong little animals. The babies weigh around 100 kg at birth. That’s already quite a lot, but still much less compared to the adult elephants, which can weigh up to 7.5 tons. That’s about as much as five or six cars – quite a lot! We think elephants are awesome. With their trunk and large ears, they are easy to recognize and fun to draw. The same applies, of course, to elephant babies, except they are also just incredibly cute! So, grab your drawing pencils and let’s get started with our drawing project today.

Drawing an elephant baby made easy

Step 1) Draw a circle and an oval for the body and head.

Step 2) The trunk resembles a slightly tilted “2”. Make sure the eye is below the center of the oval. Then add four ovals at the bottom. These will become the elephant baby’s feet.

Step 3) When drawing the ear, note that it is not completely round. For the trunk, it’s important that it’s relatively thick at the head and then tapers to the right. The four small circles will become the elephant’s joints, where it bends its legs while walking.

Step 4) Complete the elephant’s legs with slightly curved lines. The hind leg has a bit more curve in the line – this is important!

Step 5) Finally, add many details to bring your drawing to life. Also, erase many guidelines that are no longer needed in this step.

Step 6) Now, redraw your drawing neatly with a black fineliner. The ears can be slightly wavy, but don’t overdo it!

Your elephant baby is ready! If you like, you can now color your drawing. You can find coloring tips here.

Learn how to draw a baby elephant animal drawing instruction
Learn to draw a graceful swan

Learn to draw a graceful swan

Discover the joy of drawing: A swan in 5 steps

Did you know that swans are among the largest flying birds? Today, let’s take a look together at how you can learn to draw these elegant animals. When you draw a swan, you can let your imagination run wild! You can decide how your swan should look – with a long neck, elegant wings, and perhaps even swimming on a picturesque lake. Let your imagination take flight!

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your pens and paper and dive into the wonderful world of swan drawing! Let your creativity soar and experience the joy as your swan slowly comes to life. Once you’ve drawn your swan, you can proudly showcase your artwork! Show it to your family, your friends, or hang it on your wall to decorate your room.

Happy drawing!

Step by step drawing a swan

  1. Let’s start simple: draw a semicircle at the bottom of your sheet. But leave some space for some water. Also add an oval, which will later become the swan’s head.
  2. Now add a curved neck and a slanted “U” for the wings. At the bottom, draw a wavy line for the water – the exact shape of the wave doesn’t matter, but try not to make it too curvy. The head is complemented by an eye, pay close attention to its position!
  3. Now give the neck some more volume: simply draw two lines at an equal distance around the neck line. A small “U” becomes the swan’s beak. Also, add wings and tail feathers.
  4. Now it’s time to erase some guidelines. Additionally, add details like feathers and further refine the face.
  5. Trace everything with a black fineliner and erase the pencil lines (Caution: let the drawing dry briefly first!) Then you can color your drawing as you like.
Learn how to draw a white swan bird drawing instruction
Learn how to draw a bee

Learn how to draw a bee

Drawing a bee

Because it’s spring and we can see this little insects fly around everytwhere, today we’ll take a look at how to draw a realistic bee in a few steps. Bees are very useful and hardworking creatures. Diligently, they fly over the meadows, pollinating flowers and collecting nectar. This is beneficial for the flowers as well as for humans, who get to enjoy the delicious honey. But enough theory for now – grab your drawing tools and learn how to draw a bee in a few simple steps!

Step-by-step to your masterpiece

Many people think insects, such as bees, are particularly difficult to draw. But that’s not true! They have a simple structure, and mistakes aren’t as noticeable. Unlike with mammals, it’s not a big deal if a leg is too short, an eye too small, or the body too round. So even beginners can confidently attempt drawing a bee. Give it a try – you’ll see how well you can do.

Pay special attention to Step 2 when drawing the bee. It’s crucial because that’s where the shape of the entire body is determined. Make sure to draw the head and abdomen in the right size. Additionally, remember that the head is teardrop-shaped, not round.

When painting the bee, colors are particularly important. The body is yellow-brown, and the eyes, antennae, and legs are black. And don’t forget the black stripes, which are characteristic of this insect! Since the wings are transparent, you can outline their pattern with a slightly lighter and more delicate pen.

Learn how to draw a bee insect forest animals drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a beagle dog

Learn how to draw a beagle dog

The Beagle as a child-friendly hunting dog

It always fascinates us how diverse the world of dogs is. Today we have chosen the Beagle to draw. These dogs are considered lively and exceptionally friendly. They get along well with other dogs as well as most people. Especially children are very fond of them. However, since the Beagle was bred as a hunting dog, it has a strong hunting instinct and would prefer to immediately pursue any exciting scent.

How to draw the dog

First, take a look at our drawing instructions from start to finish before you begin. Then start with three circles. Pay close attention to how big the individual circles are and how close together they are. This is important to capture the stature of the Beagle. Also, in the next step with the feet, make sure they are neither too close to the body nor too far away. Otherwise, your Beagle might end up looking more like a Greyhound (very long legs) or like a Dachshund (very short legs). Go through the instructions step by step and add the new, red elements with a pencil.

Making the Beagle recognizable

There are so many different breeds of dogs and an even greater number of mixed breeds. It’s not a big deal if your drawing ends up looking a bit more like another breed, because who says there couldn’t be a dog exactly like that somewhere? If it’s important to you that your dog is recognized as a Beagle, pay attention to the following features:

  • the hanging, short ears
  • not too long legs
  • a short, dense coat – unlike the Border Collie, you shouldn’t draw the Beagle with jagged strokes to make it fluffy
  • a typically speckled coloring of white, brown, and dark brown/black
  • muzzle, legs, and tail tip mostly white

Enjoy drawing!


Learn how to draw a beagle dog farm animals drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a bunny *easter*

Learn how to draw a bunny *easter*

Drawing Bunnies: Easter’s Charming Emblem

Discover the joy of drawing bunnies just in time for Easter! Bunnies are universally adored for their cuteness, making them perfect subjects for artistic expression.

Why are bunny drawings so delightful, especially for Easter? These fluffy creatures symbolize renewal and abundance, aligning perfectly with the holiday’s themes. Incorporating bunny drawings into Easter decorations or crafts adds a whimsical touch and spreads joy.

But perhaps the greatest appeal of bunny drawings lies in their ability to evoke a sense of nostalgia and innocence. Many of us have fond memories of Easter egg hunts, cuddly toy bunnies, and chocolate treats shaped like rabbits. Drawing bunnies can transport us back to those cherished moments, filling us with a sense of joy and wonder.

So, whether you’re looking to add some Easter flair to your artwork or simply want to indulge in some creative fun, learning how to draw a bunny is a fantastic endeavor. With their timeless charm and festive spirit, bunny drawings are sure to bring a smile to your face and brighten up any Easter celebration. So grab your pencils, pens, or digital drawing tools, and let’s get hopping!

How to Draw a Bunny

Exciting news! We’ve already prepared a step-by-step drawing instruction for creating your very own adorable bunny. This guide is perfect for artists of all skill levels, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out.

With our easy-to-follow instructions, you’ll be able to capture the charm of bunnies in no time. Each step is carefully crafted to help you bring your bunny to life on paper, from sketching the basic shapes to adding those final adorable details.

Just click the link below to see the detailed instructions:

Learn how to draw a bunny easter forest animals drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a chick *easter*

Learn how to draw a chick *easter*

Hop into Spring: Learn to Draw Easter Chicks!

Drawing a chick is an egg-cellent way to celebrate Easter and unleash your creativity! These fluffy little birds are not only adorable but also incredibly fun to draw.

Imagine the excitement of bringing your own Easter-themed scene to life, complete with cute chicks peeking out of colorful Easter eggs or frolicking in a field of flowers. With each drawing, you’ll spread the joy and magic of Easter to everyone who sees your artwork.

So grab your art supplies and get ready to have a good time as you draw adorable Easter chicks. With each drawing, you’ll capture the spirit of Easter and spread smiles to all who see your artwork.

How to Draw Chicks

First, we need two circles. They are the bodies of the chicks. Then draw two slightly smaller ovals for the head. Add two small circles for the feet. Pay attention to the distances from the body! Add lines for the legs and necks. Next, you’ll need two circles for the eyes. With beaks, wings, and the first claws, the chicks are already recognizable. Draw the feathers somewhat jaggedly and add more details to make your chicks look really cute. Now, trace the chicks cleanly with a fineliner and erase any unnecessary pencil lines. Pay close attention to the drawing to see how the chick looks in detail. Don’t forget, for example, the small lines on the legs or the lines indicating the feathers.

Learn how to draw chicken chicks easter farm animals drawing ins
Learn to Draw a Dolphin

Learn to Draw a Dolphin

Dive into Fun: Learn to Draw Dolphins!

Exploring the world of drawing dolphins is like diving into a magical underwater adventure! Dolphins are super cool creatures with sleek bodies and friendly smiles, just like in your favorite storybooks.

Imagine picking up your crayons or pencils and bringing these amazing animals to life on paper! With each stroke, you’ll discover how to capture the dolphin’s playful spirit and graceful movements.

As you draw, you’ll learn all about the special features that make dolphins so unique, from their curved fins to their shiny, smooth skin. And hey, did you know that dolphins love to jump and play in the waves? You can show that in your drawing too!

Drawing dolphins isn’t just about making pretty pictures. It’s a chance to explore your imagination and express yourself in a fun and colorful way. So grab your art supplies and get ready for an ocean of creativity and joy as you learn to draw your very own dolphins!

Here’s how to draw a dolphin:

Before you begin, you can see roughly how the picture should look at the end. We’ve drawn a dolphin leaping out of the water into the air. The same drawing works for a dolphin underwater too. Then you just need to draw the background slightly differently. Is the dolphin your first project from “Learn to Draw Online”? Then it’s best to check out our guide beforehand.

But now let’s get started! For your dolphin drawing, start with a curved line. It should look a bit like a half-circle. Then add the snout and dorsal fin. The fin is roughly in the middle of the curved line. Now we’re at step three of the drawing guide. Here you draw the mouth – by the way, a smile suits the dolphin very well. Also, close the body in this step. Next, place the eye a little behind the corner of the mouth. Finally, the dolphin just needs its tail fin and two pelvic fins. The drawing is done! And coloring isn’t difficult either: dolphins are usually blue-gray. Their smooth bodies shine when they leap out of the water. You can paint a few bright highlights on the top of the dolphin for this.

How do you like your own dolphin drawing? Soon we’ll offer you a few more marine creatures as drawing tutorials, so stay tuned and come back soon!

Learn how to draw a dolphin ocean drawing instruction
Learn how to draw a blackbird

Learn how to draw a blackbird

The Blackbird

We want to draw a blackbird. Because right now, between winter and spring, we often encounter it. With its black plumage and orange beak, it stands out particularly well from the landscape. It often perches in the branches and sings one of its beautiful songs, which make you forget every winter depression. It feels like spring! Find out here how you can bring a little bit of this spring joy onto your sheet of paper. And don’t forget: feeding birds is meaningful all year round, your garden birds will thank you very much. By the way, here we are drawing a male blackbird – the females are rather brown and less conspicuous.

Learning to draw a blackbird – Stroke by stroke

As always, remember to look at this drawing guide step by step before you start drawing. How much space will you need on your picture approximately? Get your pencil and eraser ready and let’s get started!

We start with a slightly oval circle. It can be a bit rounder or more oval, it doesn’t matter. In the second step, wings, upper head, and legs are added. Make sure to draw the lines for the legs not straight down, but slightly diagonally to the left. Then, the head, beak, and body shape are refined further, tail feathers, eyes, and feet are added. Characteristic for blackbirds is the yellow frame around their dark eyes, so make sure not to leave that out. On the wings, you can indicate the primary feathers with a few extra lines. And for some additional details, it’s nice to have small claws on the tips of the feet, as the blackbird needs them to grip.

Once your drawing is finished, you can trace all the “important” lines with a black felt-tip pen or fineliner. Some lines were guidelines, we don’t need them anymore now.

When coloring, make sure not to paint the entire body completely black, as beautiful details will be lost. It’s nice to paint the edges of the body and feathers with a lighter shade, e.g. blue or gray. The rest can be deep black! Now add an orange beak and a yellow eye ring, and you’re done. Everyone will recognize your drawing as a blackbird!

Learn how to draw a blackbird forest animals drawing instruction

Learn how to draw a tractor

Learn how to draw a tractor

Popular vehicle on the farm

A sunny morning on the farm – birds chirping happily, flowers blooming, and in the distance, the hum of tractors. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to drive one of these powerful tractors to plow fields or make hay? Well, today we invite you to a special adventure – we’ll draw a tractor together!

Tractors are like heroes of the farm. They help farmers do heavy work like plowing fields, mowing grass, and transporting materials. But tractors aren’t just practical – they’re also pretty cool-looking vehicles! Their big wheels, sturdy cabin, and bright colors make them fascinating machines.

Would you like to learn how to draw a tractor? It’s easy! Follow me step by step, and soon you’ll have your own tractor on paper. Maybe you even want to draw a whole farm scene with tractors, animals, and a farmhouse. Your imagination has no limits!

Step-by-step guide to drawing a tractor

And off we go with your first tractor! Start with two circles. A big one and a small one – these will be the mighty wheels of the tractor later on. In the next step, add the cabin. For this, draw a rectangle. It’s almost square, but there’s a slight slope on the right side. Just redraw all the red lines. Then comes an arch for the hood. A thin crescent shape forms the fender on the rear wheel. In step 4, many small details are added, including a ladder to climb into the tractor. Also, erase parts of the cabin at the rear wheel. In step 5, the tires get their profile with the help of a jagged line. In addition, a steering wheel, a mirror, and other nice details are added. Your tractor is now almost ready!

In step 6, you can trace everything neatly with a black fine liner. Great job getting this far! Now you can color your finished tractor beautifully. If you like, you can add a background to your tractor. Maybe a vast green field where the tractor is working, or a sunny sky above it. That’s entirely up to you!

Learn how to draw a flamingo bird drawing instruction
Learn how to draw a flamingo

Learn how to draw a flamingo

The exotic flamingo as a trend animal

Flamingos on bags, furniture, postcards, and t-shirts? Some animals are simply very popular and therefore are gladly printed on all sorts of products. The flamingo is definitely one of these current trend animals. And that doesn’t surprise us. The bird has a funny body structure with long stick legs and a giraffe-like neck. On top of that, its coloring is striking: flamingos can take on an intensely pink-red hue, which is rarely found in the animal world. When you see a whole flock of these birds standing in the water, there is no doubt. The flamingo is exotic and beautiful!

Drawing a Flamingo Yourself

If so many people love flamingos, why not learn how to draw one yourself? With our step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to do it!

As with all drawing instructions, first take a look at the entire guide and pay particular attention to the distances between the elements. Feel free to consult our detailed description at How it Works.

We start with a circle for the head and an upward curved arc. This will later become the body. Below the arc, we draw two points that we will connect in the next step. The left point is directly connected to the head, creating a nice curve for the flamingo’s neck. In the middle under the body, we draw two small circles. These are the joints for the first leg. Follow the remaining steps exactly as instructed. The curvature is important for the beak, as it gives the flamingo its characteristic appearance.

So, is your bird slowly taking shape? Once you’ve finished the drawing, you can outline everything with a black fineliner. Then erase the pencil lines and give your long-legged friend a vibrant pink color. And there you have it—your own flamingo drawing!

Learn how to draw a flamingo bird drawing instruction
Learn how to draw an easy butterfly

Learn how to draw an easy butterfly

Spring is approaching

The first flowers are slowly emerging from the ground. Spring is slowly but surely coming! That’s why, out of pure anticipation, today we want to draw a butterfly with you. Usually, our drawing tutorials are rather realistic. Occasionally, however, we also create tutorials that are a bit cuter and simpler. Like this cute butterfly. We wish you lots of fun!

And since we are talking about spring: why not drawing some tulips as well? 

Drawing a simple butterfly

Before you start, take a close look at our drawing instructions. Make sure the butterfly has enough space on your paper and that its wings fit on it. Then, you start with the first step. Actually, the body of the delicate creature is somewhat like an elongated drop. At the top, it’s round so we have space for the face. Everything highlighted in red is added in the respective step. In the second picture, the butterfly gets two dots as eyes and the upper wings. It looks best if the wings are approximately the same size and symmetrical. Feel free to try it several times with a soft pencil before moving on.

By now adding the lower wings about the same size, your insect is almost finished. Under the eyes, you also draw a cheerful smiling mouth. Two antennae go on the head. If you like, you can already consider your butterfly drawing finished here. In the fourth step, we curled the antennae a bit and drew some patterns on the wings. But here, you can also let your imagination run wild!

Butterflies in cheerful spring colors

So, your drawing is now complete. It’s best to go over the lines with a black fineliner to make them bold and long-lasting. When it comes to colors and patterns, you can now let your creativity run wild! Of course, not all color combinations exist in the butterfly world, but there are quite a lot. Besides, this is your very own butterfly, who is happy to shine in your favorite colors.

Learn how to draw easy butterfly insect drawing instruction
Learn how to draw a running horse

Learn how to draw a running horse

The happiness of the earth lies on the back of horses

Many children love horses. They are very graceful yet powerful. If you love horses too, we have a great offer for you: draw your own horse! With our guide, you will surely succeed, even though horses are among the more difficult animals to draw. This is mainly due to their four long legs. Therefore, try to follow the drawing instructions exactly and estimate the positions of the individual shapes accurately. And if it doesn’t work out at first: brush it off. Even drawing professionals encounter this. Just try again. But now – grab your drawing pencils and find a cozy spot to draw.

Drawing a horse made easy

  • Draw three ovals. Pay special attention to the distances, otherwise your horse won’t look so nice later on.
  • Connect the larger ovals with lines. They form the body of the horse. The eye is located quite high, not in the middle as one might think.
  • Now draw the neck. You can also indicate the tail with a wavy line. It’s not so important to be very precise here. After all, a horse’s tail flies in one direction or the other.
  • Now the legs come into play. It’s important that they are thicker at the top than at the bottom. Make sure to connect the right circles with each other.
  • Finally, add hooves and a wild mane. The mane can be somewhat jagged, as the horse gallops after all.

Then you can redraw your horse cleanly with a black fineliner. Then you can decide whether you want to color the horse. You can use brown earth tones like us or create a colorful fantasy horse. If you paint the mane in rainbow colors and then draw a horn on the head, you’ll get a pretty unicorn.

Learn how to draw a running horse farm animals drawing instruction
Learn how to draw tulip spring flowers

Learn how to draw tulip spring flowers

Let’s Draw Tulips!

Spring is almost here now. Colorful flowers are sprouting everywhere from the ground. Or they’re growing on bushes and trees. Meanwhile, the sun is shining down on us under a blue sky. To preserve a bit of this beauty for home, it’s a great idea to draw it. So, let’s start with drawing tulips! Because they are currently enchanting many gardens and parks with their colorful splendor.

Step-by-Step Drawing Guide for Tulips

Unlike many animal tutorials, you’re often much freer with flowers and plants. Because they always grow a bit differently and come in various varieties. That’s why this drawing tutorial includes three different tulips to trace. You’ll see, it’s not so difficult at all!

So, if you want to draw tulips, you can start directly with the leaves. For this, simply draw a large V on your sheet of paper. The lines can be slightly curved. From the center of the V, in the second step, the tulip stem emerges. Draw two parallel lines upward, straight or slightly curved. In the third step, finish drawing the leaves.

Painting Tulips in All Shapes and Colors!

Do you see that steps 4 to 5 occur multiple times? That’s because here we can draw different tulips. You can choose a flower head or draw several stems for multiple flowers.

Of course, you are also completely free in the color choice of your tulip splendor! There is probably hardly a color that doesn’t exist in tulips. Two-colored flowers are also common. Red-yellow? Purple-white? Orange-pink? Just give it a try and draw a whole colorful tulip meadow.

Learn how to draw tulip spring flowers drawing instruction